How The Light of Eternity Can Help Us Make Wise Decisions

As a full-time primary care physician, I have seen that, without a doubt, the reason most of us get sick and go to our doctors is because of the choices we make. The unfortunate thing is that many of us aren’t taught how to make wise decisions. Our mission at...

Servanthood: The Gateway to Finding Your Calling

Servanthood — putting the needs of others first, thinking of how to help others have a better life — is the gateway to finding your calling. We all know that walking in one’s calling gives life purpose and meaning. It makes life pleasant to live. You...

Why I just Worked Three Weeks Straight Without a Break.

I just worked three weeks straight without a break! I worked 10 or 12 hours per day in the clinic, hospital, or urgent care. My regular job is Tuesday to Friday, 10 hours per day to total 40 hours per week. I see patients in the clinic setting for an organization that...