A Leader Discerns the Times

A leader discerns or interprets the times. A leader is able to chart the course to success because he can interpret or discern the times. Leaders discern the times. That’s how they get their vision and that’s how they lead the team to victory. By discerning /...

A Leader Finds a Way for the Team to Win

John Maxwell says, “Leaders Find a Way for the Team to Win.” Randy Pennington says, “The leader’s most important – you could say only – job is to influence others to deliver positive results. Results rule! Everything else is a discussion of the best ways to do so.” A...

Strategy according to Roger Martin

Roger Martin is the author of Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works along with A.G. Lafley Roger Martin’s definition of strategy is: “strategy is choice”.  Martin says, “Strategy is not a long planning document; it is a set of interrelated...

A Leader is a Servant

A leader is a servant. He is a steward, not an owner. The people are the owner of everything. A leader is both a servant of Truth and a servant of the people. As a servant of Truth: A leader must see things through a truth paradigm that is based on group’s...

How to Find Your Calling Through Your DESIGN

“Traveler, there is no path; the path must be forged as you walk.” Antonio Machado “Our highest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of what others think we ought to be. In doing so, we find not...

Talent Vs. Skills

What is talent? Let’s examine the following dictionary definitions of talent. A talent is: -“a natural endowment or ability of a superior quality. -“a marked innate ability, as for artistic accomplishment: has a rare talent for music.”...