How to Be a Phenomenal Person, by Oprah

Oprah inspired me in this talk. From beginning to end, it’s amazing. I particularly loved, to hear her talk about the Power of Speaking Into Being, something that I personally believe and have practiced for years now. I also loved the following quote from...

The Anatomy of Trust, by Brene Brown

The 7 Elements of Trust In her book, Rising Strong, Research professor, Brene Brown, teaches an acronym, BRAVING, that she created for remembering the elements of the anatomy of trust–i.e. the elements that make up trust. Boundaries Reliability Accountability...

7 Traits of Great Leaders

Regardless of what we do in life, we are leaders. Below, I share 7 traits of great leaders that we can all use to grow our personal leadership habits and our ability to influence and lead others. Great leaders are: 1. Courageous and strong but not careless and...

People are motivated by a great vision, not needs!

Recently, I had the privilege of spending three days on a cruise ship with a small group of passionate poverty alleviation leaders. My job was to mentor and help them create a strategy for leading their nonprofit organization for the next year. One of the activities I...

The Easiest Way to Gain Financial Freedom, Guaranteed!

Everybody I know would love to gain financial independence. We all want to reach a certain point in our lives when we can happily say we don’t have to worry about money for the rest of our lives. Don’t you also want that? I certainly do! However, a lot of...