Why I blog

Seth Godin writes one of the most popular blogs in the world and has said it is one of the top 5 career choices he has made. He blogs daily. In a 2016 interview, Marie Forleo asked Seth why. Here was his response: “Even if no one read it. I would blog every day....

Six Simple Steps to Achieve Your Dreams

Think about a dream you have. One of my dreams was to become a medical doctor. I wanted to be able to help people who were hurting. I first had this dream when I was about 7 years old. A couple of years later, my dad, who paid the bills for our family, died. I dropped...

Five traits of a person who cares

“Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” Teddy Roosevelt This is true in every relationship and circumstance in life. As humans, we are driven by self-interest. For example, we don’t follow a leader because of the leader. No, we follow...

What is the first principle of aid?

“The first principle of aid is respect” Ernesto Sirolli This is one of the most profound lessons I’ve learned in my adult life. In 2005, I founded an orphanage in Africa that has helped over a thousand kids to date. In my early days as a...