Setting page size and margins

The following info is from this KDP Page on how to format a paperback book. Click and read the rest of the material and the videos as well. Also watch the excellent video below from KDP University Trim size. Your printed book’s width and height. The most common...

Before Changing Your Job, Change Your Perspective

One of my passions is to help people find their calling in life and empower them to live the life they were created to live. Something I’ve discovered along the way is that many people often jump to talking about possibly quitting their jobs. They do this...

Great Leadership Always Starts with a Vision

Children’s toys and Vision. This is essential because every visible thing that has been created started out as a creation in someone’s mind. The first creation is always invisible. It’s the second creation that incarnates the invisible creation in...

How to Create a Passed/Failed Grading Scale in Moodle

How to Grade Assignments in Moodle as Passed/Failed You can use the following approach to create other grading scales besides the Passed/Failed scale. For example, an A,B,C,D scale; a passed/Failed scale A Disappointing, Not good enough, Average, Good, Very good,...