Speed Reading

To increase reading speed, do the following. Pace yourself.  Use a finger/hand, pen, etc. to guide your eyes through the passage. Eliminating subvocalization / Auditory reassurance. I tell myself, “See, don’t say”. You see the words, not say the...


This talk on vulnerability helped me understand the power of vulnerability, something I already knew but struggled with. Like I said above, I’ve struggled with being vulnerable before others. But have grown tremendously in that area. What has been your...

The Pain and Pleasure Principle

For human beings to do something, especially where change is involved, we must be motivated to do it. There are several theories and models that explain human motivation. To be effective as a leader, you have to understand and use several key motivational theories as...

Fake it till you BECOME it, not fake it till you MAKE it.

Social psychologist Amy Cuddy, Associate Professor at Harvard Business School, wrote a New York Times bestselling book titled, Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, in which she presents her research work which supports the age-old truth...

The Indispensable Qualities of an Effective Team Player

If you want to build a great team, you need great team players. Below, I discuss the indispensable qualities of an effective team player.  As you interview candidates, you will do well to look for the following attributes. You should also focus on encouraging your...