12 Ways to Excel on your Board Exams

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”...

Learn to ask questions

“There is nothing so powerful as a well-phrased question.” – Henry Murray, the great 20th-century physician. Learn to ask questions. The quality of the answers you will get in life will depend on the quality of your questions. A skillfully asked...

Understanding vs. Remembering what you learn

Have you ever read a book and understood everything you read only to realize that when you are done reading the book, you don’t remember very much? I have! The truth is, there is a big difference between understanding what we are studying and actually...

Speed Reading

To increase reading speed, do the following. Pace yourself.  Use a finger/hand, pen, etc. to guide your eyes through the passage. Eliminating subvocalization / Auditory reassurance. I tell myself, “See, don’t say”. You see the words, not say the...