In a Conflict, Who Should Initiate Reconciliation?

I teach a course on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution at Servants University. Something I’ve taught for years is that, in a conflict resolution, the stronger party has the moral obligation to initiate reconciliation by going to the weaker party to initiate a...

Cooperation vs. Competing

Last week, on pediatric emergency medicine, I remember fondly my 20-month old patient with an upper respiratory infection. Even though his mother had brought him to the ER to get help for him, he wouldn’t cooperate with me to allow me to examine him and give him...

How to Find Your Calling Through Your DESIGN

“Traveler, there is no path; the path must be forged as you walk.” Antonio Machado “Our highest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of what others think we ought to be. In doing so, we find not...

The Five Conflict Resolution Styles or Modes

A few years ago, I did a video on the five conflict resolution styles for a conflict transformation course I was teaching at Austin Bible Institute in Austin Texas. Check it out. I think it could bless you.