Why Using a Method is Very Important for Success

Professionals and successful people worldwide follow specific, time-tested methods to execute important tasks. Why? Professionals and successful people often adhere to specific, time-tested methods for executing important tasks for several reasons: Efficiency:...

The Principle of First Occurrence  

An important aspect of the contextual principle is what is often called the principle of the first occurrence. That rule or principle says that the first occurrence of words and expressions in the Bible is often helpful when interpreting later uses of the same word or...

Emotional Hijacking: Why Will Smith Slapped Chris Rock

Why did Will Smith Slap Chris Rock? What caused Will Smith to walk up there and slapped the comedian? Everybody has been talking about how bad the violence was, and rightfully so. In this video, I want to explain what happened within the seconds to minutes before the...

7 Dangerous Mistakes Women Make in Choosing Husbands

Most marriages end in divorce, and I believe this is mainly because of dangerous mistakes some people make while choosing a spouse. In this video, we’ll discuss seven dangerous mistakes women make when choosing a husband. In another video, we will address the...

7 Signs You Are Ready to Get Married

Marriage is an important part of most people’s lives. However, we often go about with adequate strategizing and thinking. In this video, we cover 7 signs that you are ready to get married or to choose a spouse.

5 things to do when you don’t feel like praying

Often, we know that we should pray but we don’t feel like praying. We don’t seem to be able to muster the desire to pray. What should we do? This video shares five things you can do when you don’t feel like praying.