Enjoying Episodes of Flow

Is there something you find yourself doing that sometimes, even without being fully aware of it, you just break out in a dance and worship God just because of the process? I’m not talking about the celebration that results from a positive outcome. I’m...

The GROWTH Model of Coaching

The GROW Model of coaching is one of the most established, time-tested, and effective frameworks for coaching employees about goal setting and performance. It was popularized by Sir John Whitmore in his best-selling book, Coaching for Performance. It has four...

How to Create a Productive Work and Personal Life

To create a productive life, it’s important to start by stating the obvious. You have to create it. It doesn’t happen spontaneously. A teacher once used the analogy of growing a garden to teach me productivity. I found it helpful I am going to use it here....

How to Set Effective Goals using the SMART Checklist

Why should we set goals On May 25, 1961, President JFK announced an ambitious goal for the nation: We will put a person safely on the Moon before the end of the decade. At the time, many thought his goal was impossible because the technology at NASA was nowhere near...

Three types of Goals

Effective goals motivate and inspire us, increase success rate, focus us, and reduce frustration. An effective goal setting process helps us understand where we currently are, helps us choose where we want to go, and assess the best steps to take to reach our ultimate...