WISE PATH: 8 Filters for Making Wise Decisions

Decisions determine destiny. “Obey God and leave all the consequences to him” Charles Stanley “How important it is to ascertain the will of God, before we undertake anything, because we are then not only blessed in our own souls, but also the work of...

7 Steps to create lasting positive change in your life

Every new year we set new goals to create life changes that we believe would make our lives better. Most of us don’t make it through the first month. We all know how it feels when we fall off the bandwagon. It doesn’t help our self-confidence or our...

Agenda Mapping: Developing a Shared Agenda

Agenda Mapping or Agenda Setting Agenda mapping basically means setting the agenda. If you work in any role where you have to collaborate with others to get things done within a certain time limit, then agenda mapping could help you. If you are a doctor, counselor,...

7 Steps to Coaching Anyone

Coaching and Mentoring Framework In this video, Dan Rockwell shares a 7 step coaching framework that he uses with his clients. He uses the mnemonic PIT SIT’N to remember it. Rockwell encourages us not to answer people’s problems but instead give them what...