What is wealth? The Four Dimensions of Wealth

I want to be wealthy. I lived much of my early life poor and I would love to create some a significant amount of wealth so that I can use it to leave a huge impact on the world. How about you? Do you want to be wealthy? We live in a society where different people hold...

10 Ways Your Mindset Determines Your Life

Your mindset will determine your life. It determines your life by determining: -Your thoughts -Your words -Your emotions -Your decisions -Your health -Your relationships -Your leadership -Your wealth -Your lifespan -Your legacy. Watch your thoughts. Be careful what...

Business Processes : A Key Part of Every Successful Business

“The entrepreneur’s job is to create the process, management’s job is to make sure the process is followed, and the technician’s job is to use the process.” –Michael Gerber To create a successful business, it takes a lot of parts coming together nicely to...