How to Create Meaning in Life

“Meaning consists of knowing what your highest strengths are, and using them to belong to and in the service of something larger than you are.”​ –Martin Seligman, Psychologist and former President of the APA ​ How do you create meaning in life? In her book, the...

Core Behaviors instead of Core Values

Instead of the common reference to core values, I prefer to say core behaviors. In practical terms, core values really mean core behaviors. However, the term value rings abstract and esoteric to many people, so I prefer to use the term behavior. Core behaviors are...

Decision Making and your strengths and strategy

When you have to make an important decision, checking for alignment with your strengths and strategy is a very helpful thing to do. It helps you narrow down the choices. Strengths. Does this decision allow you to use your strengths more? When faced with multiple...

How to Discern God’s Will – George Muller’s approach

Do you want to know for sure what God’s will is for your life or for a certain thing that you want to do? I recommend using the following steps developed by George Muller. Mr. Muller is one of the mightiest men of prayer and faith that the Church has ever known. In...

When you live your truth…

If you live your truth, the only place you’ll shine is where you were designed to shine. There you will shine and enjoy peace and plenty together with some seasons of pain and hardship. Pursue your truth and live it out. That’s how you bring joy and the...