How to share the gospel with a millennial

Imagine that 24-year-old millennial named Jessica is your neighbor. How would you go about sharing the gospel with Jessica? Note: This was written for an evangelism class I took. It’s important to understand the needs, values, and beliefs of millennials because that...

Neighborhood House Party as an Evangelistic Tool

Recently, I read a post about how a friend was organizing neighborhood house parties as a way to build relationships with his neighborhoods and subsequently evangelizing them. I wrote this response. When I read the paragraph about your neighborhood house party, it...

The Importance of Following the Holy Spirit in Evangelism

Recently, I read a post online. The following sentence made an impression on me. “When the Great Commission is taught inside the walls of our churches, the call to make disciples by sharing the good news of Jesus is often tied to a sense of duty, or wrapped in a...

Audience Persona of a Millenial

The following description represents a lot of Millennials or Gen Y individuals A 22-year female smoker who believes that God is an energy. She thinks the way one treats other people, other living things, and the environment is what is really important. She doesn’t...